A New Kind of "Flyer" in Real Estate Marketing

Scholls Mid-Century at Twilight Gone are the days when a nice color flyer was the leading marketing tool in selling a home. Today, international buyers are being escorted over neighborhoods in helicopters and drones are providing a true “virtual tour” of properties. In a recent NPR story, it was reported that video productions costing tens of thousands of dollars, complete with professional actors, are being produced and delivered for viewing on iPads to potential luxury home buyers in California and abroad . In this niche market, such expenses are now seen as “the cost of doing business.”

I recently had my first experience with the utilization of a drone for marketing purposes at my listing on Scholls Ferry Road.  I was seeking a creative way for potential buyers to experience this magnificent home online, and while the photographs were beautiful, they couldn’t provide the same experience that the drone could.  It’s ability to maneuver into the pool house and shoot from above, highlight the serene grounds and setting, and show the property’s setback from the road just couldn’t be captured otherwise. It was the perfect opportunity for me to test the waters with the latest technology in Real Estate marketing, with a crack architectural photographer and the drone operator who does the drone work for the Portlandia show.

Experience this lovely local Mid-Century here: https://vimeo.com/138783099